HierarchySettings Text_Brush4LinesList Property Chart4.NET - Organization Charting Component (C#/VB.NET/ASP.NET) - Documentation
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Brush list for node text lines. Also set Text_UseBrush4Lines to true.

Namespace: UnifoChart.Hierarchy
Assembly: UnifoChart.Hierarchy (in UnifoChart.Hierarchy.dll) Version: (5.1.0)

public BindingList<HierarchyBrush> Text_Brush4LinesList { get; }
/** @property */
public BindingList<HierarchyBrush> get_Text_Brush4LinesList()

Field Value

List of UnifoChart.Hierarchy.HierarchyBrush

Use Add() to add a new item (of the type Field Value) to the list.
Each item in the list corresponds to that line of text (from top) in the chart-node.
If only one item is added, the same will be used for all lines of text.

See also Text_UseBrush4Lines.
See Also